A dataset containing the length of rearing and spawning extent within each CVPIA watershed for different species.
dataframe with 57 rows and 7 variables
integer value representing watershed order in SIT model
name of watershed
habitat type by lifestage, 'spawing' or 'rearing'
length in miles
length in feet
Expert who delineated habitat extents
species of habitat extent
Information comes from expert outreach undertaken in 2017. Updated in 2021 to include late fall run extents from expert outreach.
#> # A tibble: 168 × 8
#> order watershed lifestage miles feet source species date_updated
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 0 Wilkins Slough to … NA 38.2 2.02e5 NA fr 6/1/2017
#> 2 0 Feather to American NA 19.7 1.04e5 NA fr 6/1/2017
#> 3 0 Lower-mid Sac above… NA 35.6 1.88e5 Mike … fr 6/1/2017
#> 4 0 Lower-mid Sac below… NA 22.4 1.18e5 Mike … fr 6/1/2017
#> 5 0 Sacramento River (B… NA 189. 9.98e5 NA fr 6/1/2017
#> 6 0 Sacramento River (F… NA 33.4 1.77e5 NA fr 6/1/2017
#> 7 0 Sacramento River (k… NA 55.5 2.93e5 NA fr 6/1/2017
#> 8 0 wilkins slough to … NA 38.2 2.02e5 NA fr 6/1/2017
#> 9 1 Upper Sacramento Ri… spawning 59.4 3.13e5 Jim S… fr 6/1/2017
#> 10 1 Upper Sacramento Ri… rearing 59.2 3.13e5 Jim S… fr 6/1/2017
#> # ℹ 158 more rows