A dataset containing the suitable habitat area in square meters as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.
integer flow value in cubic feet per second
suitable rearing area in square meters in the Yolo Bypass, Fremont Weir to Sacramento Weir
suitable rearing area in square meters in the Yolo Bypass below Sacramento Weir
integer flow value in cubic feet per second
suitable rearing area in square meters in the Sutter Bypass, to Moulton Weir
suitable rearing area in square meters in the Sutter Bypass, to Colusa Weir
suitable rearing area in square meters in the Sutter Bypass, to Tisdale Weir
suitable rearing area in square meters in the Sutter Bypass below Tisdale Weir
#> # A tibble: 41 × 3
#> flow_cfs `Yolo Bypass 1` `Yolo Bypass 2`
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 10 27932. 253808.
#> 2 20 307501. 702708.
#> 3 30 425135. 905245.
#> 4 40 521795. 971859.
#> 5 50 600826. 1044463.
#> 6 60 642940. 1136821.
#> 7 70 640828. 1096337.
#> 8 80 606158. 1202895.
#> 9 90 622189. 1292838.
#> 10 100 593637. 1375864.
#> # ℹ 31 more rows