Total exports for CVP in cms from three separate Calsim runs. Values are obtained using CALSIM variable DEL_CVP_EXP. Data from each Calsim run are stored as separate elements in a named list, named for the Calsim run they came from:

  • biop_2008_2009: output from the 2008-2009 Calsim II BiOp run.

  • biop_itp_2018_2019: output from the 2018-2019 Calsim II BiOp run.

  • calsim_run_of_river: output from the Calsim Run of River run.



A named list where each element contains a matrix with months (1-12) as rows and years (1980-1999) as columns



The flows here are obtained from a Calsim II BiOp run designed for the structured decision making in the delta.

CALSIM II schematic